Address: 11810 Kennedyville Rd
Address: 12319 Coopers Lane
Worton, MD
Address: 29337 Glencoe Rd
Address: 12319 Coopers Lane
Worton, MD
On February 23, 1955 an open meeting was held at the Community Hall for the purpose of forming a volunteer fire company. Dr. Bob Lowe acted as President, Gene Sullivan as temporary Secretary and Jolm Jolmston as temporary Treasurer. Bill Gould applied for a chapter oflncorporation with Jack Johnston, Dr. Lowe, Dave Harris, Roger Ringgold and Gene Sullivan as incorporators.
On March 23 the 1st regular meeting was held. Election of Officer-Julian Hill, President; Edward Lusby, Vice President; Gene Sullivan, Secretary; Bob Dempsey, Assistant Secretary and Jack Jolmston, Treasurer. There were 56 members.
On April 14 a 1927 Mack Truck was purchased from Charlestown Volunteer Fire Company for $300.00 to be kept in Jack Johnston's garage. By Laws were drawn up and dues were set at $3.00. In May Jack Jolmston was elected Chief with Ed Lusby as 1st Assistant Chief and Bobby Willis as 2nd Assistant Chief.
Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company gave us hose; boots were obtained from Bata Shoe Company; State Forestry's Roland Comly gave five pumps and 12 ralces.
The wives of the members were asked to form an auxiliary-Evelyn Jolmston, President: A Steak Dinner was held, steal, 9¢ a lb. - profit, $444.37.
In August an oil truck was bought from James Ryan of Kent Oil for $400.00.
First Bazaar was held on October 7, 1955 in Jim Lusby's field. Had a calm stand, Big 6, hotdogs, Auction, pickles and steer chances. Steer purchased from Mr. Revyuk for $150.00.
September 9 joined Kent and Queen Am1e Association.
Hard hats were purchased from Kent Manufacturing Company. Also purchased eight sets of gear for $50.00 each, 500 feet of 1 x 1 ½" hose and a fog nozzle.
Julian Hill, Ed Lusby, Robert Willis, Lester Smith, Jack Jolmston, G.L. Kennedy, David Hopkins, Edmund Lusby, Warren Spencer, Frank Pinder, Ray Spencer, Theodore Dempsey and Robert Dempsey attended the first fire school and were made charter members.
First major fire was Gene Sullivan's Barn.
Dr. Bond was asked to be Chaplain in March 1956. A Farm, Home & Sports show was held at the Armory in May. In July a letter was written to join the Maryland State Fireman's Association. The siren was purchased in August. The property between Kelly's store and the railroad track was purchased. Construction was begun on the firehouse at a cost of$7,796.00. A member list was established; By Laws were adopted.
In 1957 the first Fire Department tags were obtained. In March the first county grant was received for $1,500.00. By April there was a waiting list for active membership. The cornerstone was donated by Chestertown Marble and Granite Company. In May the firehouse was dedicated. William Payne wired the new firehouse for $537.00. First picnic was held in August with 50 members and their families attending. Hotdog cooker bought and responsibility given to auxiliary. Farm, Home & Sports show and Bazaar held.
In February 1958 the first minstrel was held. A furnace was donated by Luke Nicholson. First ladies night held. First Fire Prevention Committee. Pitch box was started. Sold Christmas trees and cleared $577.00. House rules were established and posted.
In 1959 Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company donated coats and boots. First Fire Police appointed. Mortgage burned on August 12. Ten "smoke masks" were purchased. The member selling the most chances got his membership dues paid. On December 11 Kennedyville hosted the Kent & Queen Anne Firemen's Association for the first time; homemade ice cream was served. The first company Christmas party was held.
In February 1960 the Auxiliary was treated to dinner as a thank you for their help.
Letters were sent to members with delinquent dues.
In October a 1961 Ford truck with alternator, heater and defroster was purchased for
$4,635.00. In.December 1000 phone stickers were ordered.
In 1962 beginning a central alarm was discussed. A remote control for siren activation was ordered. Jack Johnston, Raymond Hill and Bob Dempsey were the first delegates to the Maryland State Firemen's Association convention. A bowling team was started. Radios for the trucks were ordered. The Ford truck had a fire coming back from the Kent Island parade that cost $186.11 to repair. A speaker was purchased for the front of the Ford truck for $20.00. The Company participated in a radiological exercise.
In February 1963 the siren remote was received. The budget presented to the county commissioners was $7,322.02. Remote control buttons were installed in the homes of Bobby Willis, George Kermedy and Jack Johnston in June. The meeting room was insulated for 6¢ a square foot by Church Hill Lumber.
In February 1964 200 tickets for the New York World's Fair were purchased at $19.25 per ticket with transportation arranged with Pinkett' s. In May lifetime membership was bestowed on Bruce Dukes. The old Mack was refurbished. In August a 1955 Ford 1250-gallon tank truck, fully equipped, was purchased from Lancaster Fire Company for $1,500.00. The old tank truck was sold for $225.00.
The first Chief Engineer, Calvin McHemy, was appointed in 1965. His duties were to supervise the operation and maintenance of company equipment. On July 28, 29, 30 at a total cost of $30.00 per person, many members went to the New York World's Fair. James Grove was made a lifetime member. Purchased the lot next to the firehouse for $600.00. Purchased two Scott Air Packs for total of $589.90. Tank truck painted by Shorty Patrick for $125.00. Bob Dempsey was appointed Drill Director. First Aid kit purchased. Poster contest held for Fire Prevention Week. Winners in each grade received an Eveready Lantern and an honorary membership in the fire company, while second place winners received honorary memberships.
Grade One: Albie McHemy/Robin Comegys
Grade Two: Peggy Leonard/Chrissy Moore
Grade Three: Gwyn Silcox/Robin Willis
Grade Four: Brian Ferwalt/Billy McMullen
Grade Five: Cathy Wilson/Barbara Silcox
Grade Six: Norma Fox/Debbie Marvel
Steel innersoles for eight pair of boots were purchased for $3.00 per pair. Adaptor for hydrant hook-up purchased for $90.00. A 2500-watt generator, two 500-watt floodlights and a three-way junction box were purchased for $592.25 total.
March 1966 a 500 GPM brush truck-International chassis and Glen Culbert body for
$11,799.00 was presented and turned down. A committee was appointed to look into a¾ ton panel truck to carry equipment. Kennedyville Volunteer Fire Company voted in favor of a county warming system. In May a committee to form a Water Association was appointed to investigate leasing ground and a well for the water tank. In June Col. Leverage was endorsed for Civil Defense Director. Delegates to the Maryland State Firemen's Association convention were given $40.00 in expense money. Insurance coverage for operation on and off premises was raised to $19.00. A new town well was drilled in the southwest corner of our lot.
Fire Police, George Kennedy and Norman Hopkins, were appointed by the President in Jan 1967. In February gear was purchased for every active member. In April Kennedyville Volunteer Fire Company attended the Orioles - Twins baseball game. Consensus "Brooks Robinson is the best 3rd baseman ever, Boog Powell has the greatest potential ever and Memorial Stadium is colder than... ever." Cmmty Board of Appeals approved erection of a water tank, pump house and pump shelter. Bowling team won Ist place in Business Men's Bowling League. Team consisted of George L. Kennedy, Les Dulin, Theodore Dempsey, Bob Dempsey, Jim Williams and Frank Ray. A I-ton dual rear wheel International for $2,363.00 and equipment for
$4,348.00 was purchased. The bazaar and company picnic was held. In August there was a fish fry with Jimmie Reese in charge. In September the apron had 2" of asphalt put down for
$230.00. We had 11 first due fire call and seven assists with a property value of $85,000.00. We received a Class-C fire protection rating.
In 1968 a 10 lb. dry chemical extinguisher was purchased for the Community Hall. In April lightning hit the aerial, knocked out the radio and suspended the meeting. Kennedyville assisted with the funeral of Jack Johnston in August. It was decided to keep the old Macie A bid was submitted for $14,500.00 for a 20'x60' 2-bay addition to the firehouse. No decision was made.
A Stevenson Resuscitator was purchased for $400.00 in February 1969. Discussion of junior firemen, under age 16, to help after fires cleaning trucks and firehouse. Decided not to investigate further. In May face shields were purchased for helmets. The Meeting Room was remodeled. Walkie-Talkie for $509.00 was bought for officer to be able to communicate with trucks and base station. Open House was held October 10. A second tank was purchased for resuscitator. First Aide Course taken. Assisted with funeral of Bobby Willis.
In 1970 Church Hill Lumber painted the firehouse and made trophy case for $465.46. In May expanding the firehouse and adding a new pumper and tractor-trailer tanker was discussed; a chauffeur's license was needed to drive the trucks. New base station was purchased from Walt Joiner for $1,045.00. A truck committee and a building committee were appointed in October. The federal tax ID# was applied for in November.
In January 1971 began looking into safety devices for back of trucks. Federal tax ID# received in February. Also in February purchased a new Ford pumper, fully equipped except for radio for $28,596.68. In March the old Mack was advertised for sale. Back step safety devices were installed. Ladies Auxiliary made curtains for Meeting Room. Annual picnic was held at Shallcross; Jimmy Willis drowned.
In July 1972 the county allotment was raised to $4,000.00. Discussed purchasing jackets for members.
In 1973 an engineer was assigned to each truck to operate on fire ground and provide maintenance of each truck. It was decided to check trucks at each meeting. A tone alert was purchased for $100.00. A monitor, antenna and crystals were purchased for $200.00. Company bought six sets. Ladies Auxiliary donated an air pack. Beginning a central alarm was discussed.
In 1974 a radio equipment sm-vey was conducted. A Valentine's Day Party was held. Tanker 44 purchased fro $1,000.00. Ladies Auxiliary donated Scott Air Pack. Delegates to Maryland State Firemen's Association expenses increased to $60.00. Fish Fry was held in August. In October central alarm was presented by Chief Moore and Civil Defense officers to County Commissioners.
In 1975 The Water Resources had trailer equipped to contain and clean up oil spills and wanted to house in Kennedyville. An l 8'x28' extension to firehouse was recommended.
Meeting Room was remodeled.
In January 1976, there was discussion regarding women firefighters, volunteer radio operators, junior firemen and new members. Carpet was installed in the Meeting Room for
$312.00 by Park Cleaners. A new roof was completed for $1,360.00. 24 chairs purchased at
$20.00 each. Discussed adding two new bays and buying a 3-4000 gallon tanker. First CPR Class. Gwen Dempsey, Marion Moore and Katie Willis became women assistants who would/could drive engine to fires if no men available to drive. Boots, jumpsuits and helmets were purchased. The Ladies Auxiliary asked to have wheels for bazaar made instead of borrowing wheels yearly from Suddlersville. 1996 Mack with a 4000-gallon tank fully equipped for $13,700.00. Central alarm began on August 1. A two bay addition was begun with footings poured on August 24 for $11,876.00. In September Bob Dempsey asked for the company's approval and support to run for 2nd Vice President of Maryland State Firemen's Association. It was given unanimously. In December a Turkey Shoot was held at Goose Hill.
January 1978, the first joint installation of officers was held at the firehouse with Les Thompson installing officers. 25 Jackets were purchased at $19.00 each to be given to members on a 50/50 basis. Jackets were distributed in May. Bob Dempsey was elected 2nd Vice President of Maryland State Firemen's Association.
In 1979 Members, with proper sign out, were allowed to keep turnout gear in their possession. Numerical system for officer identification established. Bob Dempsey elected ! st Vice President of Maryland State Firemen's Association. Turkey Shoot was held at Goose Hill.
Ist female member, Norma Dempsey, accepted as full member in 1980. Bob Dempsey elected President of Maryland State Firemen's Association. Turkey Shoot at Goose Hill
Restoration of the old Mack began in 1983. The Ladies Auxiliary held a dance. Bingo was discussed but not enough interest. Four cervical collars and a backboard were purchased. Picnic at Bob Moore's. Pete Lott and Tommy Crow took a First Responder course. Chanced off a shotgun at Turkey Shoot. Decided to have drill at second meeting each month. Playground and equipment at school discussed and decided to leave.
In 1984 badges and service pins were ordered. First Installation Dinner Dance held on April 7. Air bottles were hydrostatically tested. Ten pagers were ordered for $2,948.00.
Kennedyville School property was obtained. Yearly bazaar held with steer and shotgun raffle. Picnic at Bob Moore's. Truck committee appointed in August. Ladies Auxiliary asked about putting up a flagpole.
In 1985 a benefit dance was held for Hoppy Meek's family. Responsibility of the ball diamond was assumed. A lawn mower was purchased. Chimney balls made and chains donated. Discussion on filling swimming pools---decided on $75.00/load in Ist due area and Kentmore Park and any other area $100.00.
In February 1986 the auxiliary asked about putting a stove and sink in the back room. Had a 120 club. Clayton Mitchell was made an honorary member. Painting of the floor in the bays was completed for $7,864.00. A casino night was held. Picnic at Bob Moore's. Buying Military or Diamond tread tires for the old Mack was discussed in June and decision made in October. Air conditioning for the meeting room was discussed. A new 5000 Honda generator was purchased for $1,684.00. A beef/pig roast was held on November 2. A Turkey Shoot at Hopkins Game Fann was held on November 16.
January 1987 began by discussing box alarms and use of"IO codes". Treasurer was bonded at $10,000.00. Rehab of truck 45 was begun. Tires for old Mack were ordered in April. Expense money for Maryland State Firemen's Association convention delegates was raised to
$180.00. House number system discussed. In July tires for old Mack were in. Turkey Shoot at Hopkins Game Farm. Family portraits taken.
Nomex hoods were purchased in January 1988. Room with stove, sink and refrigerator was given to the Auxiliary for their use with the provision that the men could use it for storage until new back room is completed. Company patches were designed by Norma Dempsey and Pete Lott. In March an American Eagle engine on a Spartan chassis was ordered for
$135,000.00. Larry Leonard installed a 250,000 btu furnace. Won Ist Place at Maryland State Firemen's Association for Fire Prevention scrapbook. Larry Jones completed the addition to the back of the firehouse for $8,305.00. 100 chairs and 12 tables were purchased. Bought new refrigerator for Community Hall. Picnic at Paul Wallace's.
Standard Operating Procedures were presented for the first time in January 1990. Oil spill/Hazmat trailer discussed again. A fish fry was held. It was decided that parade attire would be navy/black pants, white shirt, tie and dark shoes. Old 45 was sold to a company in Arkansas for $8,000.00. Buying a new tanker was discussed. Picnic held at firehouse. Turkey Shoot at Kent Gun Club. Sporting Clay Tournament at Hopkins Game Farm.
The Auxiliary bought a resuscitator and donated it to the company in 1991. First Installation Dinner Dance. Purchased a 4000-gallon stainless steel tanker, fully equipped, for
$131,198.00 and chassis for $56,600.00. The old Coke machine was sold for $400.00. In May, company had 7 EMT's; a medical assist unit was started providing care from 6 pm to 6 am, responding on 42. Norma Dempsey was Ist EMS captain. EMS Council began. Members were allowed to wash personal vehicles at firehouse. Fish fry held. 9 pairs of EMT coveralls were purchased for $380.00. Angelica Nursery bought old tanker 44 for $3,050.00. Picnic at George Ehmann's. New tanker 44 put into service the end of August. Began discussing giving Hep-B vaccine to EMT's. Turkey Shoot at Kent Gun Club and Sporting Clay Tournament at Hopkins Game Farm. Company decided to have a drill 3rd Wednesday of each month.
In 1992 E.lB replaced rusted doors on 42 for $500.00. Installation Dinner Dance held. Decided to use summer baseball cap with company logo with parade uniform. Fish fry held. Presented budget of$63,000.00. Purchased a 1987 Ford I-ton, 15-passenger van for EMS for
$1,800.00. Was put into service in August. Sporting Clay Tournament held.
In 1993 we joined the blood bank. Installation Dinner Dance was held. House rules were written and posted. Standard Operating Procedures for EMT's were posted. Past Chief and past President plaques were ordered. Held a family social. Bathrooms were remodeled. Rescue Pumper was proposed in February. Fish fry served 242. Also had chicken fry. Purchased School property for $70,000.00. 508 money bill signed. Picnic at Dave Eason's. Bought paint for the Community Hall. Loaning of tables and chairs as discussed. Plaque was ordered for Reverend Stuhl1.for his retirement. Price for new truck submitted but tabled.
In 1994 an Installation Dinner Dance was held at the Community Hall. A Sporting Clay Tournament and fish fry were held. There was much discussion about mowing the grass and up keep of the ball diamond. A 35" cut John Deere riding mower was purchased for $2,250.00.
Fax machine was put into service. Cell phones were ordered. Subpoena to court in Rockville for January 15, 1992 fire at house next to Vonnies. Gave Hep-B vaccine to EMT's.
In 1995 the company decided to check the trucks at the last meeting of each month. Held an Installation of Officers Dinner Dance. Discussion about a proposed 60-house development on the White property. Held fish fry and dance. Discussed having a countywide HAZMAT team and Honor Guard with one member from each company. Wayne Morris met with company about an easement for the Sanitary District well, to remove building in back and removing old water tower. Lease finally signed in August. Accountability tag pictures talcen and issued to members. Damage to front of firehouse said to structural and wind related. Bid to fix $800.00.
In 1996 Shore Up leased the school for the Head Start Program for another five years at
$1.00/year. Installation of Officers Dinner Dance was held. Discussed paid EMS for the county. The Income Tax Incentive Program went into effect. Sporting Clay Tournament and Fish Fry held. Maryland State Firemen's Association delegate expenses were raised to $200.00. An AED was purchased and put into service. It was decided to have shrimp and meat platter after the elections.
Ten tables were purchased for the Community Hall in 1997. Installation of Officers Dinner Dance was held. A committee was appointed to look into a truck to replace 43 and 42. It was decided to have a siren and pager test before each meeting. And to have a Board of Directors meeting after the first meeting each month. Held picnic at the firehouse, attended by 10 people. New roof put on entire firehouse for $4,000.00. It was decided to have smoke free meetings. A written application for membership was instituted.
In 1998 an Installation of Officers Dinner without a dance was held. A tape recorder was purchased. An ice machine was purchased jointly by the fire company and the auxiliary. In March the company voted to purchase a Class A pumper from America La France with a 330 Cummings engine fully equipped with rescue capabilities for $360,000.00 to be !mown as RP 4. It was also decided to look into adding two new bays to the firehouse. Held a "Little Miss" and Miss Fire Prevention contest. Donation made to Shrewsbury Church in memory of Reverend Stuhr. Tables and chairs to be loaned out to members only. A poorly attended picnic was held at the firehouse. A pick-up body was purchased for $800.00. A Hurst tool was also bought.
In 1999 an Installation Dinner was held without a dance. Equipment numbering changed from 42 to utility 4, etc. A bid of $49,000.00 for a 72'x50' addition with insulation was turned down. Golf tournament at Country Club. Ordered 12 sets of turn out gear at $1,233.00 per set. Standing house rules were adopted and posted. Refurbishing of brush truck was completed. All EMT's attended Blood borne Pathogens class. Anthony & Associates audited the treasurer's books. It was decided to have a $50.00 deposit on table rentals. RP 4 was received in June. A disciplinary committee was formed. The Income Tax Incentive was increase to $3,500.00.
In 2000 JBJ got the bid for a 30'x41' addition (2 bays) for $50,106.11. Held an Installation Banquet only. Fish Fry was held. Class A foam was purchased. The Community Hall was deeded over to the fire company by the Homemakers. The Auxiliary assumed an inactive status but the women of the community banded together and the Auxiliary's functioning continued.
In 2001 an Installation Banquet only was held. Nancy Greenwood and Kay McHemy audited the books. New training center in Centreville opened. Fluorescent vests were purchased for the fire police. Family portraits were taken. Maryland State Firemen's Association convention delegates expense allotment increased to $250.00. The floor of the Community Hall was not replaced dne to asbestos tile. Bazaar held bnt no steer chances. Pnrchased gas detector. The Auxiliary became active again in January.
In 2003 surveillance cameras were installed. An Installation of Officers Dinner was held.
Maryland State Firemen's Association convention delegates' expenses were increased to
$300.00. Decided to get a credit card for Chief and President.
In 2004 a glucometer was donated to the company. A cocktail/hors d'oeuvre reception was held instead of an installation dinner. Looked into buying steps for utility 42. Motion to pnrchase in January. Credit card bill made automatic pay. Trophy cases to be placed on back/side walls of second set of bays. Smoke detectors for hearing impaired installed. Chicken BBQ dinner held. To hold a "Junior Chief' and "Little Miss" Fire Prevention contest each year. Steps ordered in July, received in August, put on truck in December. Motion sensors were installed with the security cameras.
In 2005 an Installation Cocktail Party was held. Knock box is here. Decided all phone bills must be paid within 30-days of receipt by member. Computerized E-MAIS reports were begun. New AED received from county. Began to discuss LOSAP. Megan McHemy (age 3) recognized at bazaar for saving Brian Timmons' (age 3) life.